Growing up

So the summer is passing away (Jack Mack apparently broke up... how fast that relationship was...), and here I am, patiently waiting for September to arrive. My best friend is leaving next week; my debate partner is still a Senior, but he'll be getting the "college app heart attack" disease soon... my friend from Fenwick (the only one left, I might add) is leaving four days after me to Northwestern. How much we grew up.

To tell the truth, though, I don't feel grown-up; I'm still extremely short-tempered, which is a large flaw for me. But when I see my friends' siblings going into Senior year, high school, e.t.c., I have to stand still for a second and say, "I am growing up". And we are. My oldest friend is still in high school, but my second oldest friend is already working... working! R is going to be teaching in four years... J, what will you be doing? I guess I'll be the last one done with schooling, having at least seven years of med school to go through. We'll all be getting our BA/BSc's soon (in four years, including myself, actually... yey intercalated neuroscience degree). I'll probably be still mooching off my then-working friends (which means most of them), but still, we'll be fully adults with all the rights an adult can have.

And to think that only four years ago, we were thinking we were such bigshots because we entered high school.

But it seems like after all, I always have only one friend from each era of my life; but one is enough, isn't it?
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