Getting into med school - How?

For those of you who read this blog (is there such person?), there are probably those who want to get into medical school. for the masochists like you, I will tell you how to get into medical school. Yey!

Yes... there are two types of those who want to get into med school. One is a masochist, who just isn't getting enough pain in universities and wants more. The other is a sadist, who wants to inflict pain on others, also known as the patients.


I think the most defined location to enter med school is Japan. If you get the score above the cut-off, you're in. How do you clear the requirement? Study, of course. How you study is up to you. There are those who memorise after just reading; there are some others who need to write to remember things. Then there's some who need to read, write, and solve to remember (and that would be me). No one can teach you this. To figure out how to study is also part of studying.

The United States? This is a little more vague. First, you have to do your senior year of university in the US. Superb scores on MCATs is usually a must. You have to do an interview. If you're a foreigner, TOEFLs are also required. Essays are usually part of the admissions process... there is no certain factor that'll get you in, so if the judge likes you you're admitted and if he doesn't like you, well, too bad.

Great Britain... well, you have to have a certain level of English. First you apply through UCAS, and then you take an exam. When you get a score above a certain level on those tests (and you may ask, what is the cut off? The answer is... I have no clue. My university didn't release that information), then you have an interview. The interview will examine how much you want to become a physician and how suited you are to the career. There is no right answer; so, I suggest you carefully think about why exactly you want to become a physician and if you're really suitable to the pressured career personality-wise (hint: if you're slow worker, this job may not be for you. Physicians are required on-time, split-second decisions.). Then you get an offer, usually a conditional, stating "if you get so-and-so scores on such-and-such tests, we'll accept you". Clear the requirements and you're in (for your information, I was officially admitted early July. That means if I didn't clear my conditions I'd be a useless unemployed oxygen-to-carbon dioxide converter for a year).

Well, anywhere you go, it's a tough road. Competition is fierce. All-nighters and lack of sleep will follow you around. As Christina from 'Grey's Anatomy' had said, "Aren't doctors workaholics with god-complex?" I see my seniors and she's damn right.

If you still want to become a physician after reading all this... good luck.
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