Grey's Anatomy

No, I'm not talking about the anatomy textbook "Gray's Anatomy". (Well, I think the population who knows that Gray's Anatomy is a textbook is very few, but that's not the point.) I'm taking about the TV show.

I started watching it because I was bored but to my surprise, the show itself could not be farther from the truth. I'm not an intern yet, but I still am a medical student, and I've seen some facets of a life in a hospital. And this is what I realised: sure, there are people who want to be doctors because it's a noble cause and wonderful and blah blah blah, but that's just a pretty hullabaloo. What you have to keep in mind is that most people only meet the general practitioners for their entire lives, and those people don't get covered in blood and feces. Besides, not many physicians see their patients covered in blood. They always smile and have nice stethoscopes around their necks when they meet their patients.

That's nice and dandy, but as a medical student or an intern, there's no way you can be smiling. 36 hour shifts are ordinary schedules, and everyone ends up looking like zombies and there were no pretty female doctors like you see in Grey's. Sure, I saw some physicians who might have looked pretty, but their dead tired expressions ruin everything. Patients scream at them and nurses order them around and their daily lives consist of just perseverance and patience.

This TV show is weird from the setting. Why are the patients getting carried into the ER being treated by interns? Aren't they supposed to be treated by, you know, the professionals, called ER physicians? Additionally, the scene from Episode 1, when they treat the appendicitis? Just by common sense what kind of a hospital lets a first-day intern treat that? Just that weird enough for me.

Even more, you know when Grey guesses what's stuck in the throat of the rape victim? When you think about it, that's pretty weird. The doctors in the surrounding are all experienced. If they don't know what's stuck in the girl's throat and a spanking new intern can guess it, that's WEIRD. As if that's not enough, the main surgeon is a guy. As those who have watched that episode may have noticed, there is no way that an experienced male surgeon doesn't have a clue what it is and a brand new intern - Grey - can know what it is. I guess it's same all around, but interns are usually yelled at, warned, and taught in most hospitals; I've never seen the vice versa. If the opposite happened, we wouldn't know which one's the intern and which one's an attending! Interns are apprentices. If the apprentice was teaching the teacher, we wouldn't know which one's an apprentice and which one's the instructor.

On a tangent, apparently my personality resembles Christina's the most. I don't know if that's a compliment or not.
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