Oh really.

Every Christmas, I make a promise with our little Julien Sorel to see each other right before Christmas. And every year, it falls through. Well, not every year, obviously, but this is the second year in the row and I have decided to see how long this will last.

It’s stalemate, baby.

Considering that he was on a debate team, his lies are pretty thin. I’m not exactly writing a book on the art of deceiving, but “I have a doctor’s appointment on the 23rd and my mum wants me to do family stuff” is pretty thin as a lie. As a debater this is rather embarrassing. After all, as IM had put once, “debate trains you to pull any evidence out of your ass, lie through your teeth, and sell fridges to eskimos”. For an amazing debater IC can’t really lie to save his life.

Hearing my complaint, IM decided to hold a bet. For some reason JB, J and IM had decided that he is actually going on a date with a new girlfriend and can’t tell me (well, J’s guess was that his dear mummy didn’t want him outside so near to Christmas). Hence, they are holding the “how long will the kid last in his 5th relationship” tournament. I’m giving 5 months tops. IM is giving 3 months. JB half a year (my guess is that he’s an optimist), J 2 weeks. (And nobody has mentioned the immorality of betting on a person’s relationship… that shall remain ignored, methinks. Heh.)

My guess is that this is rather reflective of our own prospects on relationships. I won’t be surprised if J’s relationships average two weeks. I’m a pessimist. IM often gets bored easily. JB… well, he’s an optimist, I think.

The prize is 20 questions. All answered truthfully. I’m not even sure what the true cause of this sudden (and yet unsurprising) cancellation is, so I don’t even know how this bet is staged, but hey, 20 questions, all answered honestly, isn’t going to hurt anyone. I think.

As for my parents, they are impressed that IC bothered to inform me the day before. Quoth my father, “wow, he grew up”.

Well, let’s see who wins. In the meantime, I’m going to say that I am going to win, since I know him the best… and I REALLY don’t want to lose. God knows what they’ll ask.

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