Excuse me, but I’m not married!

Today I went shopping with IC. Which was fun. It was rather fun throwing a pseudo-mini-temper tantrum asking him to buy a perfume that was about the size of a baby’s hand, and cost less than twenty dollars. I’m guessing he thought I was going to ask for something ridiculous, at least $50 or so.

I bought him Lacoste Essential deodorant. Apparently in his head using cologne = gay, and he seems VERY afraid of his manhood being questioned. Don’t ask me why… I know plenty of guys who wear cologne and manage to have little black books that is thicker than the bible (I personally think if you start wearing foundation, you are in danger of your manhood being questioned. But apart from the Prescriptives counter guy, who does that?).

We went to C.O. Bigelow as well, did some buying, stopped at Godiva and picked up the free chocolates of the month… all was fine until we went onto State Street.

See, I brought IC along because whenever I’m going home from Michigan Avenue I always have weird sleazebags asking if they can buy coffee for me. I’m more than welcome with coffees from really cute, tall guys, but coffee from sleazebags are just awful. And they stick to you like a wet leaf, no matter how hard you try to shake them off. And yes they stick, or they try to. So I guessed that walking with a male might do the trick. Which did. Until then.

I was walking past Aldo talking with him, Sephora bag in hand, when a woman came up to him. Well, me. Well, us.

“Hi, we’re from Planned Parenthood! Would you like to…”

Now, do keep in mind that I never went out with him. I am not going out with him. He had hair that remotely resembled this guy


and had not shaved. I was in jeans and while I was wearing a pink sweater, I had a black leather jacket. Definitely not a date outfit. I probably have looked better seeing my female friends than that. So my question is, why IS IT that we got mistaken as a couple?! IC’s not even 20! (Okay, the facial hair may have aged him, but still.) He’s still playing with Magic the Gathering! I’m more interested in YSL perfume than guys! Hello?! Hello?! Is anybody listening?! WHERE’S THE JUSTICE HERE!

We then wondered, upset, if we looked that old. Then I realised… she probably had mistaken us for a very young married couple or something. Okay, no sleaze bags, but I don’t fancy being mistaken as a married either. I started to think maybe I should wear a big card on my neck advertising my celebrated singledom. Marriage?! YUCK. Parenthood?! H*** NO. Marriage and babies are the farthest things on my mind at the moment. How on earth am I supposed to raise an infant if my biggest problem right now where to but the boxes of perfumes when I get more?! So not happening.

So that was my day. But I did make IC buy this


Yes, I know, it’s adorable :D

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