Don't fire COLE!

I just realised that I had a new batch of comments waiting. Since I am a student with no life who sleeps most of the time, it is very interesting that people are actually wasting their time to comment on my blog (apart from those who are just amused with my rantings and my misery), especially because their attempt to conceal their attempts are kind of failing miserably. This made me contemplate on several human traits in a House-esque style, thanks to the newest episode of House playing in the background at the moment.

First of all: this makes no sense to me, and I'm hoping someone can explain it to me. If you don't like someone, why bother checking their Facebook page? Or reading their blog? Or in fact, do anything remotely related to them? This makes no sense to me whatsoever. It's sort of like... taking pleasure in eating nasty food. Or enjoying a smell of vomit. (well, dunno, there's probably people who like doing that.) I mean, I can understand "I'm going to take out my annoyance in a certain incident relating to a tutorial group today", but... doing that won't change your situation. And... to be honest, that's a very American thing to do (said via my experience). And that is currently not said as a compliment.


Second of all... crap, I forgot what I was going to say. Err... (tries to remember) Oh yeah. Why does Ayumi Hamasaki sing like that? It's very annoying.

Third... why does the heating turn off at precisely 11 o'clock?

Fourth... why do people never read carefully enough? Didn't they ever do those exercises where they say "read this through first", then list bunch of stuff to do, and then at the end says "now just write your name on the paper, don't do anything else"?

Fifth... WHY DID HOUSE FIRE COLE? House never said anything about playing the game with authorities. He's just as cutthroating as Amber.


On a complete tangent, quoth Wilson, "You know, in some cultures, hiring people to steal other people's underpants is considered wooing. You should move there. Cuz over here, it's just... you know... creepy."

Category: 2 comments


Nik said...

i agree completely with your first point.

maybe you can compare that to watching really bad reality tv?

KuKuMuNgA said...

december 7 is when college crap ends. and then a month long break begins :)

why are people stealing other people's underpants?

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