A microscopic tag

So... I spent the afternoon today chasing amoebae around under a microscope, or, more merrily named, "A Microscopic Tag Game". Needless to say, I am now sporting a killer headache, irritability, loneliness, acute Tourette's, and... I'm just plain miserable, okay! I also had to walk back from New Hunts in the rain. That didn't help my mood.

So today was amoebae practical, meaning that we got amoeba specimen and got to look at it under the microscope. Histology is bad by itself because apparently Payne sees crap that I certainly don't, leading to the conclusion that he's probably tripping on LSD, but it's bad when your specimen moves around, grows pseudopods, and wiggles. Then it just sucks tenfold, especially when your microscope isn't too good and you see black dots rolling around. Ew.

First, we did the buccal scrapes. Remember when you had to take the sample of your cheek cells and look it under a microscope? Yeah, we did that. And needless to say, considering that it was after lunch, we literally saw crap that we ate for lunch. It was gross.

Then it was amoeba. And the amoebic food was also swimming around as well in the water. Add that to Billy's water conspiracy and I'm now mortally afraid to drink water, but I need to, because I'm still trying to lose weight and water's a good way to do that. (Yeah, somebody remind me not to ask him about conspiracies...). Anyway, I definitely don't like amoebae, especially when they're alive and they wiggle around and move. I also do not like playing microscopic tag, because basically you're going to get a level seven migraine and very tired eyes.
Oh, and I also found my 29-year old, Abercrombie-wearing, blue-brace sporting wacko lecturer on Facebook. I am permanently scarred. TEACHERS are not supposed to be ON FACEBOOK! That is just morally wrong. But then, considering that it's Adam most likely he's still in a mental state of a third year in university, not a responsible Ph.D.

I also want to tape him and watch his lecture, on 1.5 speed, without sounds. That ought to cheer me up...
Category: 1 comments


Nik said...

when i think amoeba (which rarely happens.. who randomly thinks about amoeba?), i get that powerpuff girls episode in my head!


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