Drunk texts

I was stupid enough to leave my phone on "sound" mode last night. Needless to say, it just so happens that I get 3 drunk texts ON THE NIGHT where I'm actually trying to sleep.

My text tone is some retarded, loud, metallic noise that just grates on your nerves. So here's drunk text numero uno:

"idn kno what im doing!!"

That one was from Jeremy and none other. I thought he was using T9?

Number Two:

"I doot tghnj im drrrtnkk"

That was from Jeremy again. I can't translate that into coherent English. Anyone up for the challenge?

Number Three:

"I .m unbelievely fucked!"

From Billy.

... Is Unbelievely even IN predictive text mode?

So I woke up three times last night, thought that the phone was on my desk, turned out it was getting charged, nearly tripped over my shoe that was sitting quietly in the place where it's supposed to be, read the texts, then went back to sleep.

By the way, I love yogurt.
Category: 1 comments


Dan said...

"I doot tghnj im drrrtnkk" = "I don't think I'm drunk!"

~Dan P.

Still love the blog.

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