Lady Gaga and Models

J pointed out a very good point while discussing the famed Lady GaGa.
"What's up with her model hate?"


"I'm thinking she must hate them. In every music video they end up dead, or they're really bad people, or something. In Paparazzi they ended up dead, in Bad Romance they sell GaGa off to some whorehouse."

"Maybe she's rebelling against the superficial society, like Everybody's Fool by Evanescence."

"But she only picks on models. As a model, I'm starting to feel like a victim."
J points out a very good point. What exactly does Lady GaGa have against models? They're always these bad people who are never connotative with the good image. They end up dead in the most odd (and sometimes disgusting) way possible, or they're doing something very illicit and illegal. I'm not saying that models are the prime citizens of the society and they uphold all the laws and rules, but come on. Sure, some of them are probably involved in gangs and drugs (actually, I'm assuming most are involved in drugs hearing J's stories), but her presentation of the "model" image is borderline vengeful. Not to mention that her music has nothing to do with models. If Everybody's Fool portrayed bunch of models, sure, I understand, but this one is beyond my comprehension.

So somebody enlightened with GaGa, please enlighten me with this one?
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