Blog layout, IM’s value priority, and more…

Every year, I say to the world that I will NOT be going to Black Friday this year. I hate the crowd, the noise, the fight over the last sock… and every year, we seem to go. At an insane hour in the morning. Like six.

But this year’s Black Friday has come and gone. J spent it in New York, avoiding the crowd. IM spent it, buying… well, I actually have no idea what he bought, needless to say, they are probably things that he will question purchasing two weeks from now. JB spent it sleeping.

Moving on. IM’s value priority, at least when it comes to me, apparently is hair. Apparently 1/3 of my value is hair; or at least, that was what he had said when I told him that my hair had reddened and it had become dry and brittle. That guy really rubs on my nerves sometimes.

I also created a new blog layout for my friend. A very belated birthday gift. It took me two days, since I wanted to center everything and every monitor lays things out differently. For example, you might say 260 pixels left, 400 down on your laptop, but for your father’s huge desktop that might not be the very center. Apparently the only thing you can center is the background and the image; 2 uneven div’s don’t work. Then I had trouble uploading Chopin; for some reason I kept mixing waltz and nocturne up, so I kept uploading the wrong one.

Well, first, designing became a little painful. I usually have black as a background, but she prefers lighter colors. Then the music selection was difficult. I don’t like light-touch Chopin to begin with – my favorite concerto is Sibelius, and I think that speaks for the rest – but she wanted Chopin, and since the blog was daisies and pink and yellow, I couldn’t exactly bring Ballade No.1 as background music, could I? Rachmaninov was out of question. So I had to ask Mother to pick, since I am no piano expert.

Anyway, I can now layout a blog to a fully customizable level. And my gâteau au chocolat rocks.

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