A year in review

So, my first year at a university is ending rapidly (ONE MORE EXAM TO GO... not to mention that this might be my last year if I fail my exams... oh crap), and I thought about reviewing this year, sum it up, and kinda lock it away in my memory and throw away the key (just kidding). Lots of stuff... didn't happen, actually, my life didn't have all the high school drama shit for once.

Well, what I learned is that... people still hate me in the States. And to be honest... I've ceased to care. Provided that I don't fail my exams (of which fate, I don't know), I've long left all the high school/undergrad drama and if I just keep passing my exams I'm set for life, right? (NOT). Most of them I'll never see again, so help me God. And for those of you who think that you're actually happy getting illegally drunk every night, well, good for you. I won't mention just how many dendrites you're damaging, because surprise surprise, it's recoverable... mostly. But many of the dendrites never rejoin, and hence bye bye synapse; but that's your choice.

Two, med school sucks. Yes it does. It sucks like no tomorrow and most of the time I was so sleep-deprived and so... health-deprived and so caffeine-overloaded that I might as well as have been guzzling amphetamines instead of 600mg caffeine (which is very close to lethal dose, I learned later). But you know what? If I can, I'd like to remain in this world, not because of the power trip (although I won't deny it), or the drama (of which I've witnessed many but never partook), but because... I like medicine, I guess. I've worked so hard to grab at it... I've sacrificed a lot of things for it, and getting rejected is one thing, but letting it go is quite another. So for those of you who keep asking me "why won't you enjoy your undergrad years?", excuse my Anglosaxon expletive but please, sod off (wait, that's not an expletive).

Three, I'd like to thank my next door neighbour to the left... you've shown me a lot of things that no one else could before. Although I still question your work ethics and your random habits of knocking on my door at bizarre hours and/or asking me to do bizarre things (and no, I am not letting you give me a Physical, no is a no), each of your observations warranted and merited a close analysis later on. And I did appreciate the ice cream.

Hopefully (although I can hear my best friend in university, Jennifer, screaming "JUST SHUT UP"), I can come back to this school next year.

And hopefully Stolkie retires or croaks it this year; I refuse to have him as my neuroanatomy lecturer. Either create a constructive and informative slide for the notes or stop reading off it. Your existence in the classroom merited zero benefit this year.

And stop making me feel like an idiot. I know I'm an idiot, that's why I'm here. I don't need a constant reminder...
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