
I got this passed around from somebody... and since I did Reno in the Japanese blog, I'll do Tyki in this one.

I Love You Baton■

1.Without hiding anything, tell all the truth
2.Do not run ahead of yourself
3.You must specify a male
4.No matter how many times this is passed on to you, you must complete it

【Specify】Er, Tyki Mikk

■The place where you met 【Tyki】?

Probably when I was browsing through Crunchyroll and stumbled upon him in nought but underwear.

■What about【Tyki】makes you a fangirl?

I'm not a fangirl (I think) so I really can't say.

■Is 【Tyki】S or M? Which would you prefer?

As much as I love bullying people, I have a good feeling that I'd be bullied... so S.

■What kind of 【Tyki】's behavior makes you love him?

Errr.... I have no clue.

■What makes you like 【Tyki】?

Probably the devil-may-care attitude.

■What don't you like about【Tyki】?

He's probably smoking pot, not cigarettes?

■What do you want from 【Tyki】?

Erm, please die very soon in the back alley of South London so I can stop reading that thing... it's getting long and tedious.

■Anyone who should become closer to 【Tyki】?

I want to see Sherrill/Tyki interaction, actually. That sounds amusing.

■Anything you focus on when writing/drawing 【Tyki】?

I do neither, so none?

■Do you want him as a family?

No thank you. He'd drive me nuts.

■School uniform or blazer?


■Jersey or Jeans?


■Would you like to marry him?
No thank you. Again, he'd drive me up the wall.

■Any last words of love?

... please die very soon. I don't like your recent transformation...
Category: 1 comments


Nettles and Daisies said...

The world definitely needs balance! I think it's good for me to hang around a pessimist. It keeps me from painting the world too much of a rosy shade. Could you imagine what might might happen to me? The world is not all great and I need someone to wake me up to that! So, I thank you for your pessimism!

Also, again, thanks for letting me stay last week. I had a lovely time. It really is hard to believe now that I've been all the way to London and back in a matter of weeks.

Hope your exams are going well.

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