
Well, I found it.

I found the song.

And I'm about to die of joy... well, not really.

Let me explain.

A few weeks ago, I randomly wandered into a weird CD shop in Richmond and heard this song that was just grabbed my heart. After I went home, I craved it. I wanted it. I was dying for it.

The problem was, I didn't know the song title... or the artist name. So basically, I was screwed. I mourned for such a song. It's rare for me to instantaneously love a song - usually it takes about 30 listens. But this one was... different. It caught me.

And just this morning, I stumbled upon the song on YOUTUBE. I nearly cried when I heard the song.

What's the song? Well, you're probably listening to it right now. It's by Kirito, and it's called Poison.

I watch you as you sleep beyond the deep fog
Just like sweet poison I embrace and dig my nails

The pose with tears is beautiful
Like swallowing light darkness is made

The night your eyes were wet with tears and mourned, the door opened
The memory that interrupted the two shattered into pieces

The night when body trembled and shattered, the door opened
The silence that interrupts the two has already disappeared

I'll pour it into the wanting lips
If you want to fall endlessly
I'll give it to the upraised palm
The despair that makes you even love regret

I did think of something though... the guy who can say this to me is either A: VERY confident, B: very sadistic, or C: Both. Normal guys will probably get scared of getting this response:

"HUH?! You want to make me drink poison? How about I make you drink it instead?"

So... the guy's sure that I'll drink it, or he's sadistic enough to make me drink it.

And while that's dangerously romantic, I might say no to that offer...
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