Introduction to University Class - Lesson 1

So, the first two days are over, and already I see some stereotypes springing up in my head. Some of them are nice, some of them are boring, some of them are just plain damn annoying. So here it is:

The Studious Idiot - this type just annoys me. They are the ones who read diligently (which is fine), then proceed to answer retarded questions that the professors ask. I mean, seriously. We all understand that two plus two is four, you don't have to answer it proudly and look around to make sure that everybody thinks you're clever, we all know you're stupid trying to look intelligent. Now SHUT UP.

The Jock - These people look down on you because you simply aren't in their class for some reason. It's usually because of your ethnicity, your accent, your extracurricular, or simply how you look. They also are moderately intelligent; however, they have no aspiration and absolutely no spark of brilliance whatsoever.

The Lazy Genius - These people sleep through class, listen to their iPods, some of them never even show up. Then they ace the exams.

The Pseudo-Lazy Genius - This group study their butts off during the night while everybody's partying or sleeping, then turn up next day for lectures and casually fall asleep, listen to their iPods, relax, e.t.c. But owing to the 3 million hours of study, they ace the exams.

The Clever Jerk - This guy's clever. Really clever. Unfortunately, he didn't get educated in "let's share and get along" facet of school education, and he has successfully turned into the official jerk of the class.

The Silent Asian - This guy is silent, mainly for one reason: he can't speak English. He studies hard and well, and when it comes to paper exams they ace it. But when it's practicals, they're down the drain.

The Bubbly Chatterbox - These girls are CONSTANTLY talking, giggling, laughing, and living in Barbieland. That's fine, but hello, this is university. So please come back when you get a brain installed, preferrably by Linux.

The Bookworm Idiot - Very similar to the Studious idiot, these guys just spit out random facts that they probably read on Yahoo news to the professor, distracting the class from the topic and pretty much confusing everybody. They love to ask rhetorical questions, long questions, and irrelevant questions to the professors, thinking that this makes them look clever, all the while annoying everyone - including the professor - in the class. Quite the opposite of the Lazy genius.

The Nice Guy - This guy's just NICE. He looks good (above average to excellent), has a nice physique, relatively clever, and his personality's gold. Too bad he's already taken.

So far, I've met these people... some people are nice, one of them's me, some of them I'm going to kill someday with a terrible case of botulism that's probably flourishing in the kitchen fridge.

So that was Lesson 1. Lesson 2 to come very soon.
Category: 2 comments


Anonymous said...

Who is who?

Dr. Fashionista said...

take your guess.

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