First Post!


First post as a university student! Can I believe it? Only four years ago I was freaking out over high school. Now goodbye high school, hello medical school with lots of bacteria, virus, books, and lack of sleep (fun fun).

But for those of you readers (or imaginary ones) that really don't know me, let me introduce myself as - Dr. Grey from Grey's Anatomy. No, just kidding. I'm a 1st year medical student at Guy's Hospital, London, starting this Autumn at the dirty smelly city on the other side of the Thames. I recently graduated from the worst school in the area, if not the world - Fenwick High School, where the snobs who really don't deserve to be snobs go to, get pompous, think they're clever when they're really aren't, and get into a mediocre school that really has no name. Located in Chicago. Avoid this place at all costs.

I have both parents, and couple of friends around the world. I moved to England from Japan when I was five, then to the US when I was nine. Now returning to London to get educated on how to fool patients to let them think that I'm actually curing them.

Hey, I was never a good person. Never claimed it either.

I occasionally model (and I can hear you saying "Why in the world is a model at a medical school? Isn't a medical school for ugly people who aced every single test during their secondary education and never got laid?") despite the fact that I really don't fit in the industry. Notice the world occasionally. That means I don't do it often.

I was on the debate team, went to nationals twice, play the violin pretty badly. I also like Urban Decay.

Anyway, that's my life so far. Really exciting, isn't it? I know.
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