New Novel… Part Deux

Still writing the new novel. I can’t believe I’ve already started with absolutely no plotline in my head. This is unlike of me, but at least I have characters in place; now I need them to move. Unfortunately I now do have a vague idea of what’s going to happen (it involves J being a little thoughtless…) but as to the path to get there, I actually have no idea. I’m just hoping this thing writes itself. I’m probably never going to publish it, but now that it’s online I have to write it, meaning I can’t just write the scenes that keeps pickling in my head then forget about it.

Writing all day is a difficult task. I kept getting stuck on a phrase, or maybe a character would say something out of place, or nothing would happen and my characters are stuck, frozen in motion, waiting for my next command. I got cramps above my shoulder blades and my brain was like a bunch of cotton after wrangling my head trying to keep the flowing, with nothing coming out. I might be hitting a writer’s block; unfortunately no amount of therapy will fix this. I just need to wait it out. But I do have a schedule and I do want to have the story somewhat finished by the end of this year! Argh.

It’s so much easier when you’re writing from 3rd person point of view, or already have established characters. Adding Arien and moving Reno around was very easy compared to this. Although the characters are based off of real, living people, the setting’s completely different (I don’t live with them, for instance) and therefore it’s harder to imagine what they’d be like if I lived with them. Apart from it being chaos and me the victim, I can’t really tell.

The website’s coming along okay; the target frame problem is solved, but the image for the background of the new C’Est La Vie became quite gory. And not really romantic. I’m starting to think I’m better off gun-blazing actions rather than realistic fiction, contemporary fantasy, or romance. Well, romance is a given; the one I wrote flopped so much that I never even finished it. But the original fiction I’m writing at the moment (contemporary fantasy) is much more difficult to write, since I keep imagining characters running around with guns in hands. Realistic fiction… well, I did start writing a Victorian tragedy but unfortunately I never got around to doing research for the Victorian times.

This fiction’s the hardest I’ve written so far; it’s always in first person but the speaker changes by every chapter, and making each character sound different is difficult. The main character and speaker two are easy to create, but toss in speaker three, four, five and I think I’m screwed. Maybe I should keep check of the real-life-counterparts’ speaking patterns… except it won’t work, because one of them is FRENCH and can’t speak decent English. I can’t make Jean speak Frenglish, because it just won’t work.

I also need to add female characters. I do have a few in mind that I can use, but I’m not sure how to tie them in… and I better come up with it soon.

Anyway, I should put up a writing schedule so people’ll know when to expect the next release…

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