Microsoft, Apparently, is Not for Bilingual People

And this pisses me off.

Everybody in my family speak two languages. My mother speaks about five in varying levels. I use Latin, English, Japanese, and (although still learning) French. Which makes my use of language rather diverse.

I think it’s natural for Microsoft to develop bilingual programs, especially Word processors and blogging tools. Word’s fine, as it is adaptable to whatever language setting you are currently using, but Windows Live Writer is another problem. This stinking program only allows ONE language to be used per program version. Meaning, quite frankly, that I am screwed.

I’m not even asking for a translator here. All I want is a spellchecker, since I switch keyboards quite often and this can get problematical. A grammar checker would be nice, but I’m not exactly demanding it.

Is it so hard to add another language to Windows Live Writer? Methinks not. Just allowing the users to download the dictionary files, saving them in the writer dictionary folder, and then maybe adding a macro or a button to switch languages seems to be sufficient. I wasn’t aware of the fact that while programming is quite beyond me at this moment, these said tasks can be excruciatingly difficult. Or that is what I am led to believe, since MICROSOFT HAS FACED THS PROBLEM SINCE BEGINNING OF LAST YEAR AND STILL HAS DONE NOTHING.

I ask you, just how much people in this world are bilingual? Well, let’s see… my German friend Fabian (well, acquaintance might be a closer term) is a trilingual. J is a bilingual (despite his total disregard for grammar). I am a bilingual (at least). My father is a bilingual. My other is a pentalingual (if you count being able to carry out daily duties in that language as a lingual proficiency). Half my friends are bilinguals. Half of Germans either have command of English, French, or both, and their own native language.

So tell me, oh Microsoft, why are you delaying this particular function? Does chief of the software developer team for Windows Live Writer have a grudge against bilinguals or something? I’m running out of patience here.

In the meanwhile, Microsoft developers are keenly adding useless crap – like twitter notification – while many multilinguals have to sit on their rear ends, patiently waiting for the updated version to come out (which might be in a decade, for all we know), or go through the tedious job of writing the 2nd language post in Microsoft Word or OpenOffice, run the spellcheck through, the paste it into the Writer, all the while wondering if the unseen format codes in the said files will accidentally transfer to the Writer. Very inconvenient indeed.

I considered moving to Wordpress, but that just takes too much work. Not to mention that while I am considering hosting my own website (I do have a lot of half-written novels that I’d like to finish but can’t, since I keep writing sporadic scenes without finishing them), I have not started moving toward my goal. To be honest, I don’t even know if people’ll visit, and what exactly is the point of a website that remains unvisited? It’s like a book that is never read by anyone. Completely and utterly pointless.

So the problem remains. And I am at a loss…

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