Rehearsals SUCK

Today was god-awful.

First, I think I screwed up an exam. Majorly. I've never screwed up a Physics exam before, and so I'm somewhat upset. I barely had time to do 3/4 of it, let alone all. I really need to start focusing, I suppose, but when you're juggling three million things that tend to get difficult.

I couldn't exactly run home after that. Oh no. As a resident concertmaster of one crappy orchestra that manages to never have the same A, I can't be absent. Ever. Well, I can, technically, but guess what happens when the konzertmeister is gone... yep. Chaos.

If I could upload memes, I'd be uploading the FUUUUUU face. 

As if that's not enough, I have a project due this week that I just barely started. And a mini-test on Friday, and two assignments. I don't think I get to sleep at all. 


On a positive note, I'm going to Performer's Music with Connor (the principal flutist) on Wednesday, then crepe supper. As my other best buddy (Logan) is decidedly gone and can't bother to respond to my e-mails as often as I want him to, he's my new best buddy. Kind of looking forward to that.

I can't wait until the orchestra principals' bloodless coup. We're all ditching orchestra to go have dinner and Aida at the Lyric Opera. That's about the only highlight of this semester.

Sad, isn't it?


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