A Snippet of Oscar Wilde

JB: I’m perfectly honest! Upon my honour as an Oxonion.
Me: As an Oxonian? Well, that inspires confidence.
JB: My dear, you’re too sarcastic for your age. It’s hardly becoming.
Me: And your patronising tone is starting to grate on my nerves. Since when are you Algy Montcrieff?
JB: Well, I can’t deny being Algy, can I? We probably attended the same college too.
Me: Oh dear lord…

Me: Apparently, IC decided to go to Australia.
Mother: Oh, really?
Me: Yes. Apparently, he was given the choice of this world, the next world, and Australia. He picked the last one.
Mother: I see. He must hate this world.

IM: I am NOT British.
J: Really? I can prove you are.
IM: Yeah? How?
J: JB said you were.
IM: Bloody idiot!
J: Told you.

JB: So I told the dean that my friend was very ill, and I must leave for a few days.
Me: Which friend?
JB: No friend, actually. Call me Bunburyist, if you like.

JB: London is lovely, as long as you don’t live in it.
Me: Yes, and if you do, then it becomes hell.
IM: You know what they say, one man’s heaven is another man’s hell.
Me: I wasn’t aware that London was any man’s heaven.
JB: It was for Charles Darnay.
IM: Which consequently got Sydney sent to the gallows.

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