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IM: See, there's an ideal. Women should wear make-up, but you should know no change from the face without make-up. That way, you know that she cares about how she looks, but you don't feel cheated when you wake up the next morning and see the face next to you.
JB: It is rather shocking when the light transforms a face into something completely different.
IM: Yeah, you also feel cheated! I mean, we don't have half an inch cream mask to hide behind, do we?
Me: Wait a minute. So you want girls to wear make-up, but you don't want anything to change WITH make-up. What's the incentive for the girls to wear make-up anyway?
JB: I have no idea. I never understood the concept behind cosmetic aesthetics. They say it's to look prettier and get men, but it's going to come off by the next morning, unless you have it tattooed (and then that's pretty horrifying on another level). And if you're pretty enough, why hide your face behind toxic chemicals? Therefore, make-up is useless.
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