Introduction to University Class - Lesson 2

Personally, I don't have a clue why ANYONE would want to go to med school. A month into it and I've already visited the doctor three times, bought 3 jars of coffee and nearly finished with the second one, have used over 320 sheets of looseleaf for notes, on four kinds of pills, sleep-deprived and love-deprived, yelled at, and sick. If that doesn't scare you away, you're a masochist so STOP READING MY BLOG.

Anyway, since I did the classmates last post (which was a while ago), here is lesson 2 - the PROFESSORS.

The Walltalker - with the IQ of 2000, an appearance of an alien and a very bad speech pattern, this guy is a genius. Unfortunately, since he had never experienced any problems in school he can't understand what the general population goes through in his lectures - constant hypnosis and disrupted sleep patterns via unplanned naps. He talks INTO the wall, thereby inhibiting the class from taking decent notes. He also is a complete tech idiot, and does not plan his lectures, throwing the avid note-takers into utter confusion.

The Hyper TA - this guy isn't a TA, actually. He's a full-fledged lecturer... unfortunately he has an appearance of a second year college student and is just juvenile in every way possible. Braces? Check. Nerdy smile? Check. Much awkwardness around single female species who just crowd around him so that they can get the extra points in the exam? Check. He is also constantly hyper compared to the more somber fellows, thereby giving an impression that the only reason he got to such an educational status at such an early age is because of overdose of cafffeine and sugar. Which is most likely the case anyway.

McGonagall Reincarnate - If you thought the deputy headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was a figment of imagination, think again. SHE EXISTS. This bitch has an amazing tendency to start class on the dot despite the fact that half the class is still rushing among the throng of businessmen or stoned and in bed. She is also strict as hell, has WAY too much time on her hands which will be spent on hunting down students who were too tired to show up for class (hello, it's university, not kindergarden). She also has one of the primary school teacher handwriting, talks in a typical middle-class British accent, is organized to death, and will expect you to be the same. So, no late-night drinking on Tuesday nights, fellas.

The mad scientist - THIS GUY IS CRAZY! He's a great guy, great teacher, but something tells you that he kind of slept through "Common sense 101" during college. As the result, he's a wacko. Oh, and he sort of remembers safety procedures, but sees it as a a guideline, not rules, sending you into utter horror, increased by the factor of one trillion by the fact that he has an innocent smile on his face.

The Evil - This guy is just damn evil. He doesn't intend to, oh no. But see, that makes it even worse. He likes to give long-ass lectures on Fridays when everyone's ready to dash back to catch up on sleep, party, work, or just plain stuff. He also is in desperate need of speech classes; his lack of ability to speak properly in the public sends you to utter hell, because this disability prolongs the lectures by the factor of four. Oh, and he also always have a congenial smile, then fails you with the congenial smile still on his face. Simply put: he's a lying bastard.

I hope you enjoyed my observations. Now I have to go read 100 pages (literally) for cellular biology for tomorrow. And I haven't even started.

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