
You know your first day of Senior year, your teachers lectured you about "Senioritis", a commonly mysterious phenomenon when the Seniors just start slacking off? Well, I do. And I distinctively remember one of my lecturers - I mean, teachers - saying something like "Don't drop into the pit called Senioritis - you can never get out" or some weird metaphor like that.

Well, if that was a pit, then Collegitis is a Mariana trench.

Away from parents, freedom (and relatively more money, now to think about it), I've been slacking off. Not like "I'm going to procrastinate this paper till tomorrow" slack-off, because I never get any homework (I have one coursework, three labs, and final exams in most of my classes to make the grade). The thing is, I stopped going to lectures (ahem ahem, Chem), mainly because it's a waste of time.

So what do I do? Well...

I'm usually studying some other crap (read: Advanced algebra, Statistics, Clinical Psychology, nuclear physics), or I'm sleeping. Or watching House (Episode 3 just sucked, honest). Or writing out notes for my two biology classes, which makes AP Biology look like a fairy cake. Serious. All the transcriptase and lipase and -ases are driving me nuts, and Mammalian bio is no better - who the HELL spends THREE lectures on thermal control of mammals? Argh (and tomorrow fares no better - lecture from 10 til 4:30, hour breaks in between. Shit.).

So... to my younger people (AKA Ian, yes, you)... DON'T get Senioritis. I didn't get one till post-AP exams, and then there were about two weeks before graduation. And now I'm getting Collegitis, and it's seriously taxing me...
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