Kill me now

So after two and a half months of living through torture hell of science, I am ready to call it quits. Oh, wait. I can't.

Let me explain. My current schedule is a bit hellish. Orgo lab should never be held in the evenings, mainly because the majority of the students have not eaten, or have not slept, or overexerted themselves from trying to reproduce while stopping the fundamental function of it. Inexplicably, they hold organic labs during the evenings. And it's THREE FUCKING HOURS. Standing through dissection bathing in formaldehyde was one thing, but sniffing ether for three hours does things to your mind and give you an undeserved hangover which is really unfair because all you got was the short end of the stick.


So I am enrolled in BIOL 282, which is a Genetics course with a certain geneticist who shall go unnamed because if he is for some reason looking up his name it will list this site on google. May I remind you that I have no interest whatsoever in X21? Yes, despite my aspiration to become a physician I really don't care for it. Despite that fact, my professor believes that X21 is the most important chromosome in the entire universe. And his notes really do not make much sense, since he jumps around faster than a bunny fleeing from a giant.

Organic Chemistry is a pain in the rear end. For those of you who are reading this and thought Phase I/Phase II biochem was awful, I beg to differ. That was like a needle up the UT; this is a fucking Foley catheter. My sleeping hours have officially been reduced to 2 hours or so every day. Not very healthy. And I'm still not finished.

So those two classes are killing me. And I know the med students over here will be saying "Well, it gets worse". Well, fuck off. Chemistry is not that difficult conceptually, and if so many kids are struggling that's because there is a problem with the teaching method, ie: I still don't know how to draw mechanisms (this must be remedied immediately). I can handle Physics and Calculus fine, but orgo is murdering my brain cells and possibly my vision as well. Coffee has ceased to work. Must I resort to meth? Is this what it boils down to? "You must consume organic chemistry to excel in it! Literally!". For those who are only taking this course as a challenger this semester, well, lucky you, I hope you die in med school. Really.

Now that the rant is out of my system, I shall be returning to my studies...
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