Schedule Mess

Second week of lectures is almost over, and one would think that by second week the schedule chaos would be turned into cosmos.

Evidently not.

During the first week, I was dishonourably enrolled in Biology 101, which is clearly an introductory class. After sitting all the way in the back of the lecture theatre and sleeping through most of it (it was early in the morning!), I went to the head of the biology department to complain. After running a check they had discovered that my class for Molecular Biology of the Cell HAD transferred successfully, which lists Biology 101, 111, 102, 112 as pre-requisites. Hence I had been dropped from the class and re-enrolled in Genetics. Which was fine with me.

But then, on Wednesday the writings lecturer for a mandatory writing class that all students must take came up to me. Evidently my essay regarding a certain reading assignment was so impressive (quoth the head of the writing program "it was graduate level") that it was unnecessary for me to take the class, it was waste of money and time. So I have now been dropped from THAT class as well, and am now in search of a suitable English class to take instead.

Of course, JB and IM had such a laugh about it. "It's rather silly", said JB, "for you to take a preliminary writing class. How many research papers have you written?"

"More than enough."

"Exactly. They should have acknowledged that. Every class assigns a writing assignment in Britain."

"Wow, they really underestimated you," said IM.

So that is where I am. And while I am pleased that I do not have to take the class, I am rather upset because the class I did want to take - Survey of British Literature - is currently closed due to full capacity. Having to register late is certainly not my fault and the other options are Chaucer (yuck), and American Literature (even more yuck). I never did well in American literature to begin with. I don't think I have the American mentality to comprehend what the author is trying to get at. I never read my reading assignments for American Literature back in high school thoroughly, resorting to cliffsnotes instead. So taking AmLit is NOT an option.

So here we are, and this is a mess. Goodbye, UCWR110.
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