First Day of Lectures

And it already looks insane.

I probably should not have taken on 21 credits this semester, but I sort of had to. I highly doubt I’d be able to do three research projects at one time, and in order to minor in Chemistry, I need at least one credit in my electives in Chemistry. The only choices (apart from taking at least three credit hour class) is either research or a seminar that’s from four to five; there is no way I’m taking that.

What’s even worse, IAN CLARK is in my class this semester. Out of ALL the classes that he could have selected, why on earth did he have to select mine?! Granted, it’s philosophy and it’s writing intensive (that’s “let’s write 2000 word paper every week” for those of you who don’t know), but couldn’t he pick another bloody class?! I’m an object attached by an inclined plane wrapped helically around an axis. I’ve never had a class with that bloody sodden git before. I never wanted to. The only thing we agreed on was debate.

I’m going to end up killing him. With KCl. And then decoupage him with methylcrylate, and throw him into the biohazard waste disposal. With the amount of crap he’s been doing, he really belongs there.

My math professor seems to be very well acknowledged, but as far as I’m concerned, that doesn’t mean anything. A professor can be very well acknowledged and be an awful teacher, or be completely unknown and be amazing. We shall see.

Physics is Physics. Except we’re jumping into relativity first thing this semester. I think that’s a bit jumping ahead, because I did a course in special relativity and that took me the entire summer, but that’s for another day’s discussion.

Being a TA, a writing tutor, and a 21 credit student is going to be a bit wacko of an experience. We shall see how it goes.

Paquita - Variation V Shostakovich - Tea for Two