Sephora - the new horror

Pseudodoctor: I love Sephora.
JB: My card doesn't.

I think this explains it all.
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Gardenias in the rain

JB: You remind me of Brahms.

As much as I hope that he was referring to my temperament and not the appearance, I can't complain because I do like Brahms.

Me: You play Ballade No. 1 very well, but you aren't very good at playing Polonaise Heroique.
JB: Oh, I understand. You're trying to say that I'm no hero.
Me: Well... I wasn't even thinking that, but if you are keenly aware of that I guess I have nothing further to say.
What can I say? Ballade is a tall, dark-haired man wearing an evening tuxedo; Heroique is a blond riding a horse.
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It's not me, it might be you.

Now listening to: Simian Mobile Disco - Hustler - Hustler

Today did not start off well. First, I went to bed at seven in the morning, because I was reading something and I couldn't stop until I came to a good point. Now, I would not have done this if it wasn't for my mother yakking at me to do it.

Sometime while I was sleeping, my father decided that today would be a good day to take my mother and me to the mall, since I wanted to buy something there, and had told him some time ago. Now, this is very fine, except I was notified - rather abruptly - around 10 AM - that we were leaving. Right away. Needless to say, I was groggy, and the last thing I could care about was going to the mall. My mother then gave me a 30 minute "grace period" to get ready, during which I had to get up, throw some clothes on, and rush out. Not happy.

She then informed me that I was ungrateful and I always think I'm always right, and I'm a spoiled brat. As much as I agree with the part that I am quite possibly spoiled, she has NO right to say that I think I'm always right, since she does exactly that. In fact, she is the most inert creature I have ever met. She resists to anyone suggesting her to change like a child resisting going to a dentist. Jesus.

I will NOT be thankful for being woken up after 3 hours of sleep, and I will be grumpy, thank you very much. I don't do well with sudden change of plans since you never did, and while I'm thankful for everything you bought me today, that's actually Father's money, not yours.

And if you're going to do something at your own cost, don't complain or rub it in after you've done it. It halfs the effect and quite frankly, if you have to complain about it then I'd rather have you not do it.

And stop blaming everything on the accident. Sure, half of it might be the accident's fault, but not everything is. You're the one who gave up on rehab, so stop complaining.
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Paquita - Variation V Shostakovich - Tea for Two